The 3 Pillars to Work-Life Balance – It’s About Showing Up As a Leader

I am introducing three pillar to stop the overwhelm and start living a life you always wanted to.

Giving yourself permission to ask, having your kids and partner step up and asking your employer for a framework that will allow you to offer most value to the company.

We haven’t seen any change in the corporate landscape, because we and our partners have not been asking for enough. I believe that companies who value their employees and want to stay relevant, will be engaging in more conversations around work-life balance because we are in unprecedented times.

4 models of “Back to School” in California – What will back to work look like for working families under these scenarios?

California’s Department of Education proposed 4 possible scenarios to safely reopen schools in the age of face masks and physical distancing. But what is lacking in this article is any proposed solution for working parents on how to reconcile alternating schedules with work.
The burden will be on the families to make it work. Working moms and dads will have to create a structure around these schedules. Will the burden be completely on them or is your company talking about how to make adjustments to make this work for the future?
Now, I want to challenge leaders to help attenuate these effects by introducing a more flexible work culture. Real leaders care about their people and know that leveraging diversity is key to more creative problem solving.

Be the Change – Reimagining Work-Life Balance post Covid-19

Reimagining work-life balance post Covid-19. Working from home (if you’re lucky), remote learning with kids, emotionally supporting the kids, cooking, checking our finances, keeping the house neat and clean,… it’s been a lot. We humans are adaptable and women especially give a lot. Often by not taking the rest and self-care they would need. Burn out follows.

This could be our moment to redefine our society to one where we truly lift each other up. Let’s seize the moment together and ASK for what we need to our partners, our managers/leaders, our representatives.

The 5 most valuable lessons YOU are learning alongside YOUR CHILDREN right now. Hint: It has nothing to do with “school subjects”.

You might not have chosen to homeschool like we did, but rather have been pushed into “doing school at home”. I’m going out on a limb here and argue that our situations might be more alike than different right now, so bare with me. By taking away “school” we immediately eliminated the two hotspots ofContinue reading “The 5 most valuable lessons YOU are learning alongside YOUR CHILDREN right now. Hint: It has nothing to do with “school subjects”.”

You think EI training is a luxury your company can’t afford right now? Think again.

A recent article on LinkedIn recounted one dad’s current reality: two parents working from home while managing the distance-learning needs of their kids during the stay-at-home order.  The dad, Brian Rich, described their work week and the inherent challenges of both parents attending simultaneous online meetings.  He also shared how they struggled to finish theirContinue reading “You think EI training is a luxury your company can’t afford right now? Think again.”

Parental Leadership in times of the CoVid-19 Pandemic

In times of Covid-19 and a stay-at-home order, we are possibly facing the challenge of our lifetime. While our individual circumstances may vastly differ, having our kids around all day long and making them feel safe in a time of great uncertainty is hard. Your kids will need stronger and more compassionate leadership from you than ever.